What Does Boa Mean (Text Slang)

Like many other words, boa has different meanings based on the context scheme. It has two different meanings: dangerous and fashionable. Be confident, and do not mix both of them. 

If you want to learn more about boa, don’t go anywhere. In today’s guide, we will discuss the meanings, synonyms, origins, and examples in detail to help you better understand. So do not waste time, and let’s dig in.

What Does Boa Mean:

The noun boa which is widely used as informal slang has two meanings.

  1. A long, silly, fluffy, or feathery scarf worn around the neck. Women wear these shiny and fluffy scarves at parties. 
  2. A nonvenomous constrictor snake of the Boidae family traps his prey by rounding his large body around them. They kill animals and birds by suffocating or crushing them  Boas are found in tropical and subtropical areas of Central and South America. They swell their prey as a whole. They have many habitats, from seawater to deserts, tropical forests, and cultivated fields. They are famous pet snakes; anaconda and python are examples. 


To understand the context of what does Boa means clearly, here are a few examples of both scenarios. 

Boa as a Scarf:

  • Sarah bought a purple color boa from the mall for her sister. 
  • You were wearing a very nice boa at Oliva’s bachelor’s party.
  • Sophia organizes a theme party where every girl must wear a glittery pink boa. 
  • Why did you not wear boa dude?
  • I was very surprised when JK sent a gift of 12 different color boas. 

Boa a nonvenomous snake:

  • Last year, a constrictor boa entered her garage a few miles from her home.
  • We can not find any infection in the boa. 
  • We saw a red-tailed boa constrictor in the hospital garden. 
  • When we went on the jungle trip with the captain we saw a boa constrictor coiling his body effortlessly around a rabbit. 
  • Michael fainted when he saw Sarah’s pet a boa. 
  • There is no boa in the list. 
  • Hone on the boa’s body helps them detect their prayer even in darkness. 

Origin of Boa:

It originated in Middle English in 1350 1400 from the Latin word Water adder. 

The word boa was first time used in the 14th century. 

Other Abbreviations of Boa:

  • Board of advisor
  • Bank of America
  • Best of All
  • Battel of the Antlatic
  • Body of the Article
  • Bank of Africa

Final Verdict:

There are sub-families of constrictor boas, but all belong to the Biodea family. Because they belong to the same family, people become confused about them. 

We hope the different meanings of the same word in several scenarios help you better understand. Stay tuned for the meaning of more slang words.

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