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What Does Drizzle Drizzle Mean In Slang?

November 26,2024
11:19 AM
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In this epoch of trends and influencers each day a new trend is emerging on social media. Everyone is running to follow the trend without taking the concept or having any knowledge. 

Drizzle drizzle is also a 2024 emerging trend on TikTok as Soft Boy Era. It comes in response to the Soft Girl Era trend of 2023. 

The Soft Girl Era means girls leave their “boss girl” attitude and want to live a life in which they give themselves space for imperfection. They want to live a married life with traditional norms and focus on personal wellness. 

What is Drizzle Drizzle or Soft Guy Era? 

It sounds a little bit comic and weird but after the Soft Girl Era men started posting videos with the phrase drizzle drizzle. The use of the phrase came out as the soft guy era. 

It means men want to date a financially independent and bossy lady, not a broke woman. A lady who takes care of them, pays bills, and gives them VIP  treatment. 

Who Started the Soft Guy Era Trend?

Tiktokers @scarffacemark and @lil.goodies are the ones who started the trend by making videos in response to the Soft Girl Era by the report of Know Your Meme. 

Origin of Drizzle Drizzle: 

The slang drizzle drizzle is a paradoy term that emerges from the term sprinkle sprinkle. Leticia Paudua a Youtuber first used it and became viral on TikTok in 2023. 

Other Meanings: 

It has different meanings based on the context used in;

  • To pour or a thin stream of liquid trickled over food 
  • Fall in mist-like drops 
  • Light rain 
  • Urinate in terms of slang 

Final Verdict: 

Being a human we want care, love, and affection. In this life, where there is no difference between men and women. 

Men always show exceptional care, responsible for paying, and many other things. According to equality, it is found weird but now as in trend men also demand the same thing from women. Whether you are a man also need love, care, appreciation, and affection.


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