Drunk In Modern Slang (Meaning & Its Digital Influence)

Slangs reflect the social trends and rituals that change from time to time. They are used as a source of communication that may vary in different regions and groups. One such slang is “drunk”, which is being adopted among youngsters in casual gatherings as well as on social platforms. It has definitions beyond its literal meanings. In this article, we will delve into a multifaceted realm of the term “drunk” and its use in modern slang. We will also explore its usage as drunk in modern slang and other applications in various regions. 

Understanding the Term

In its literal sense, the term drunk refers to being intoxicated by massive alcohol consumption. But if used as slang, its meaning goes beyond it. 

Nowadays, this slang is commonly used for situations like drinking at a party or a regretful feeling after heavy drinking.  Many other terms are used alternatively for the word drunk. 

For instance, “wasted,” “hammered,” “sloshed,” and “plastered are used alternatively. 

These terms represent different states and severity of being drunk which might have different meanings in different cultures. To give an example, the term “tipsy” is used to explain a mid-level of drinking, while “blackout” is used to describe a situation of complete unconsciousness after massive drinking. 

Drunk in Historical Slang

Drunk slang is not only used in this decade, rather it has a history beyond this century. Most people are not familiar with this slang which was used instead of slang “drunk”. To name a few, the following are some old-school slang for the state of being drunk:

  • blotto
  • bousy
  • cock-eyed
  • couldn’t navigate
  • cup-shotten
  • drunk as a lord
  • feeling his oats
  • fixed all right
  • fox-drunk
  • fuddled
  • had a cup too much
  • has a bun on
  • has a shine on
  • in drink
  • in his cups
  • jug-bitten
  • pie-eyed
  • sack sopped
  • tap-shackled
  • temulent
  • tippled
  • topheavy
  • up in the air

Drunk in Modern Slang

In modern slang, there are quite a number of other words that are used along with drunk slang. They are mostly popular in English-speaking countries, mainly the US and the UK. They include:

  • annihilated
  • blasted
  • blitzed
  • bombed
  • buzzed
  • canned
  • hammered
  • lit
  • loaded
  • lubricated
  • pickled
  • plastered
  • skunked
  • sloshed
  • smashed
  • snookered
  • sozzled
  • steamed
  • tanked-up
  • tipsy
  • trashed
  • wasted
  • well-oiled
  • zonked

Social Benefits of Drunk Slang

Like most of the slang, the modern word of drunk is often used among youngsters to develop social bonds and to be a part of cool groups. The shared knowledge of slang fosters mutual relationships and acceptance in a specific group. Whether it’s a night out or a bar hangout, the slang words of being drunk make the people close and connected.

Digital Influence

In these times, social media has a great influence in shaping the thought process of people. Anything can become a trend in social media and be considered normal. People following such platforms often make it a compulsion to adapt to the ongoing trends to blend in with their surroundings. 

Considering the slang drunk, its themes jokes, animations, and videos across all social media make it normal. People even feel no hesitation in sharing their own drunk experiences on these platforms, referred to as drunk texting and drunk posting. These activities and the common use of slang promote the drunk state and make it a symbol of being cool.

The Risks Involved

It’s important to highlight the risks and side effects involved with drinking. With the show’s business glamourizing drinking and social media normalizing it, there are few gaps in the popularity of this drunk modern slang. No one is paying attention to highlighting the side effects of being in a drunk state and the risks involved with it. It not only poses threats to health but also affects the social and personal life of individuals. 

With this slang gaining popularity day by day, it’s very crucial to highlight its related consequences, promote responsible drinking, and help those struggling with its addiction. At a personal level, it’s upon us to save ourselves from getting negatively influenced by every other slang word gaining popularity just like the slang word of being drunk. Before adopting anything, we should consider its aftermath before getting tightly caught by it.

Final Words:

The modern slang of “drunk” is a multifaceted term that reflects the social trends and rituals that change from time to time. Its usage on digital platforms and popularity among various groups is shaping the way of normalizing drinking practices. 

As this modern slang is gaining popularity, it’s very crucial to be aware of its consequences. That’s everyone should promote responsible drinking, and help those struggling with its addiction.

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