The slang meaning of CTSO is “cut that shit out”; that phrase indicates to skip something unwanted or unnecessary. This phrase is widely used when chatting, in arguments, or conversations.
“Shit” is a curse word which is why we use “that” in this phrase, indirectly cursing the situation or particular topic. Cut refers to skipping or removing something irrelevant and uninterested.
CTSO means to cut that shit out, but this is just basic info for what these alphabets stand for. Let’s dive deep into the meaning, explanation, example, and context to understand where to use it appropriately.
CTSO is an abbreviation of the most commonly used cutting that shit out.
Cutting that shit out simply means removing a hurdle from the way to do something of your choice; it may include stopping someone to let you do something.
It usually has neutral connotations following the situation and is used thoroughly in chats.
The phrase “ cut that shit out” is just a normal cursing phrase in native speakers, and this is what makes it common in slang terms.
The most common context is to use this in chat CTSO when someone is not as serious about the situation as you are. If people are lying and clowning about the matter, cut that shit out of them on that matter.
The most famous examples of this phrase in contexts with the contexts are listed below.
There are many prominent slang similar to the term CTSO, like Blabbermouth is use for someone who talks excessively and often reveals too much information.
In conclusion, the CTSO meaning in slang is to curse and make someone stop ot stop lying. It is important to keep in mind the word is not up to the standard of decency and is usually consider a bad term, but youngsters use it frequently in casual conversations. The phrase is direct and often used to convey urgency or seriousness in various situations, from arguments to professional settings. Despite its harsh tone, it serves as an effective way to get a point across quickly.