What Does FIV Meaning Slang?

Did you ever consider “FIV” while conversing with friends or browsing the internet? You may be curious about what “FIV” meaning slang. If this happens to be the case, fear not. We’ll go over what this formal lingo means. 

British slang is still growing and adjusting to new culture and social trends. There are lots of various slang terms used. These range from online slang to local expressions.

Slang terms from Britain often appear in discussions to convey humour or jokes. 

So, these days, the term FIV is growing more popular on social media. In this article, let’s look at the meaning of “FIV” in a scenario of modern slang. 

British Slangs In This Modern World

The use of informal vocabulary terms is one feature of British English that is widely respected. British slang highlights the country’s various cultural roots and historical context.

Slang terms are informal terms that are part of the regular speech of certain people or locations.

Slang in Britain has a lengthy and unique history. It evolved with multiple meanings over the ages. They are not typically listed in ordinary dictionaries. With the rise of social practices British slang is experiencing an important shift currently.

FIV Meaning Slang

FIV is a shorthand for Five used in British slang terms. It is among the most frequently used abbreviations in text messages and online chatting. It often serves as a shortcut for the digit five in texts.

Benefits Of Using FIV In Daily Life

The use of the term FIV is prioritized because 

  • uncheckedIt saves time 
  • uncheckedIt creates a more short and simple text message
  • uncheckedIt is especially handy when delivering texts that ask for the usage of numerals. 
  • uncheckedWhen addressing the worth of an item that costs five cents, Fiv is used. 
  • uncheckedIt is used for notifying somebody how many hours or minutes you are going to be late.

Usage of FIV In Daily Texting Scenarios

  • Hello, could you just give me FIV more minutes to complete the task?
  • I am now aware that each ticket only costs FIV dollars!
  • In FIV days, my favourite musician is going to be singing at the concert!
  • I’ll give you a call in FIV minutes. Simply wait for your turn till then.
  • He informed me that he would come after FIV.

Different Meanings Of FIV Based on Contexts

British slang terms may have more than one meaning based on different situations. We will look at how FIV meaning slang is used in light of various scenarios. 

  • FIV For Feeling Intense Vibes

The code word  “FIV” in British slang also stands for “Feeling Intense Vibes.” It’s used to convey deep or powerful feelings or sentiments. 

No matter if these emotions are positive or negative, it is referred to as FIV. This term is used if you’re exhausted from work all day. When you’re overpowered by everything around you during an event, FIV might be used. 


  • I am FIV right now because I have just attended the college concert.
  • FIV For Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

FIV slang also means Feline immunodeficiency virus. It is an illness that affects cats’ systems of immunity.

  • I am quite worried nowadays as my cat is suffering from FIV.
  • FIV For Fit In Very

Depending on the scenario, “FIV” may correspond to “Fit In Very” in British slang. The phrase is used, however very rarely, in this sense. 

It shows how a person has managed to integrate or merge himself into a community or situation.


  • Despite being new to this nation, he was able to FIV among colleagues efficiently.
  • FIV For Full of Important Values

“FIV” is also suitable to denote anything or anybody that is widely respected or admired. In British slang, it is used on very rare occasions. FIV is used to point out or suggest that they’re abundant in positive energy.


  • He is an iconic figure and in my humble view, he is just a FIV.

Final Discussion

We hope your understanding regarding FIV meaning slang in light of these words is crystal clear now. Thus, in British slang, FIV usually refers to the number Five. This phrase is more interesting and unique due to its wide scope and multiple meanings. 

One thing, however, should be noted when using British slang is to figure out the context or circumstances at hand. In talks, the overall tone of the conversation affects a lot. This conveys a lot of what is being stated actually. 

Check here to get updates for more British slang. Stay discovering the exciting world of these terms as they are used in daily conversations.

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