What Does Woke Mean In Slang:

“Woke” is a word that comes from English spoken by some African Americans. Initially, it meant being conscious of discriminatory practices based on race. However, in modern times, the term has come to refer to a wide range of unfair social practices, such as the unfair treatment of certain individuals based on their gender, color, or partner.

Individuals who identify as “woke” frequently care about equity for all. They discuss topics such as white privilege, which refers to the fact that some white individuals receive preferential treatment only due to the color of their skin. They may also discuss compensation, which are payments made to those who received unfair treatment.

Some are interested in these topics because they wish that everyone lives happily in the world. However, some mock these concepts by using the term “woke.”

Historical Context: The Wide Awakes of 1860:

In certain forms of African-American English, “woke” replaces “woken,” which is the typical past participle form of the verb “wake.”People started using “woke” like they use “awake,” saying someone is awake and aware. This became popular in the United States.

Long ago, people used being awake as a way to talk about getting involved in politics and making changes. For example, there was a group called the Wide Awakes in 1860. They were young people who supported Abraham Lincoln in an election. They got really excited and started groups in different cities.

Some people got worried when they saw the Wide Awakes being active. They thought it was aggressive and might cause trouble. Especially when they saw black people involved, it made them even more nervous.

Evolution of “Woke” in the 20th Century

The concept of “wokeness” as a form of black political awareness has early roots in the writings of Jamaican social activist Marcus Garvey. In 1923, Garvey urged the people of Ethiopia and Africa to wake up, emphasizing the need to work towards a free, redeemed, and powerful nation. He envisioned Africa as a bright star among the constellation of nations.

The phrase “stay woke” was also popularised by black American folk singer-songwriter Huddie Ledbetter, known as Lead Belly. In 1938, he recorded the song in which he tells the story of black teenagers and men wrongly accused of raping two white women in Alabama in 1931. At the end of the recording, Lead Belly advised people to be cautious when travelling through Scottsboro and to stay alert.

As Aja Romano notes in Vox, this early usage of “stay woke” underscores the importance of being aware of racial injustices and the potential dangers posed by a racially discriminatory society.

By the middle of the 20th century, “woke” evolved to signify being “knowledgeable” or “conscious,” particularly regarding political or cultural issues. The Oxford English Dictionary notes that the earliest recorded usage in this sense appeared In a 1962 New York Times Magazine article called “If You’re Woke You Dig It,” African-American novelist William Melvin Kelley discussed how white beatniks were adopting black slang.

2008 – 2014: Political Awakening

By 1971, “woke” had gained more explicitly political connotations. In a play by Barry Beckham, “Garvy Lives”, a character tells the importance of awareness and how they used to ignore certain things, but after learning from Mr. Garvey, they decided to stay “woke” & help other people stay aware, too.

From 2008 to 2014, people started using this slang differently. They meant being aware of what was happening around the world, especially if something wrong had happened or people were cheating. 

A song by Erykah Badu called “Master Teacher” helped spread this idea. She sang, “I stay woke,” meaning she stays aware and questions things.

Another songwriter, Georgia Anne Muldrow, learned the phrase “stay woke” from someone. At first, it just meant trying not to fall asleep out of boredom or tiredness. But Muldrow used it to mean staying aware and searching for herself.

As the word “woke” and the hashtag #Staywoke became more popular online, it started to mean caring about many issues, not just race. Erykah Badu even used it to support a feminist group in Russia. So, Woke meaning in slang is to be aware of good and bad and stand by the truth. 

2014 – 2015: Black Lives Matter Movement

In 2014 and 2015, after Michael Brown was shot dead, The Black Lives Matter movement started saying, “Stay Woke” to highlight the mistreatment & discrimination black people were facing from the police authorities. 

A TV show highlighting the movement against discrimination came out in May 2016. During the 2010s, the word “woke” got a new meaning in slang for activists. It meant being aware of what was happening in politics and society.

2015 – 2019: “Woke” Named Slang Word of the Year

Between 2015 and 2019, the term “woke” began to be associated with various causes and was adopted by groups other than African Americans. People who are concerned about issues of race and identity and who wish to improve equity for all frequently use it. According to some, the term “woke” denotes a leftist political philosophy that emphasizes critical race theory and social justice.

On Twitter a group made up of African American users, the phrase gained a lot of traction. It became well-known because of its briefness and compatibility with Twitter’s character restriction. It quickly gained popularity online and turned into a meme. In 2015, more people began searching for the phrase “woke” on Google.

A trend towards more liberal opinions on several subjects contributed to the word’s increased popularity, partly due to President Donald Trump’s conservative policies in 2016. “Woke” ideologies include debunking the notion that America is unique, holding the view that racism is ingrained in society, and supporting measures like restitution for slavery. Particularly younger people were more receptive to these views.

In 2017, Woke was selected as the “Slang Word Of The Year”. But by 2019, some people started using it in the wrong manner & novels were also released making fun of it. The term “woke” began to be used more often outside the US, but it also faced criticism from European political figures.

2019 – Present: The Rise of Negative Connotations

By 2019, some people who don’t agree with progressive notions started using this word in negative slang. They use it to make fun of people who they think are pretending to care about important issues just to look good. 

They might use it to say someone is being too self-superior or judgmental. So, instead of meaning someone who cares about fairness and social justice, “woke” now means someone who follows an extreme and judgmental way of thinking.


In the end, the word “woke” has changed a lot over time. It started as a way for African Americans to talk about being aware of unfair things happening, especially related to race. Now, it’s used by many people to talk about fairness for everyone. But some people also use it to make fun of others who they think are pretending to care about important issues. So, while “woke” still means caring about what’s right, some people use it meanly.

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